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Hi, I’m Caesar. I’m a post-bacc RA at Brown University advised by Matt Nassar. Currently, I’m working on computational neuroscience projects related to learning, memory, and decision making in our brains. I recently graduated from Haverford college, where I studied Computer Science and Mathematics.
I’m interested in studying higher level cognitive processes in the human brain and the underlying neural dynamics that advance Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). How do our brains process and communicate information and how can we improve that process?
I’m deeply grateful to have worked with some wonderful mentors, Dianna Xu through my senior thesis, David Mount and Auguste Gezalyan through the REU-CAAR Program. I’m fortunate to be supported by a NSF CISE Graduate Fellowship.
I love meeting smart and passionate ppl :) feel free to reach out at xufeng(underscore)dai(at)brown(dot)edu

555 your office number
123 your address street
Your City, State 12345
Hi, I’m Caesar. I’m a post-bacc RA at Brown University advised by Matt Nassar. Currently, I’m working on computational neuroscience projects related to learning, memory, and decision making in our brains. I recently graduated from Haverford college, where I studied Computer Science and Mathematics.
I’m interested in studying higher level cognitive processes in the human brain and the underlying neural dynamics that advance Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). How do our brains process and communicate information and how can we improve that process?
I’m deeply grateful to have worked with some wonderful mentors, Dianna Xu through my senior thesis, David Mount and Auguste Gezalyan through the REU-CAAR Program. I’m fortunate to be supported by a NSF CISE Graduate Fellowship.
I love meeting smart and passionate ppl :) feel free to reach out at xufeng(underscore)dai(at)brown(dot)edu